JAPANESE DIVA B side - Makoto Kawamoto


JAPANESE DIVA jukebox Music

t f B! P L

川本 真琴(かわもと まこと、女性、1974年(昭和49年)1月19日 -). Her real name is Kazuyo Kawamoto.

Her 3rd Single 『1/2』 released at  March 21th 1997. By the way, The jacket photo was taken by a famous photographer Nobuyoshi Araki(荒木経惟).

Anyway Listen.

Official MV

26 years past.

She released New Album『ひかり』 It means... Hmm...literally translate 『Light』. But I wanna 『 Forgiveness Light』

Anyway Listen. "Seeing is believing"

  1. アロエ - aloe
  2. April locking down
  3. 風を待ってる湖 - A Lake is waiting a wind
  4. GEDATSU in love - Liberation in love
  5. universe
  6. カートコバーンと両想いになりたいガール  - In love with Kurt Cobain
  7. 街の本屋さん - A bookstore in town
  8. 転校生になれたら - If I could be a transfer student
  9. ワールドエンド・ガールフレンド - World's end girlfriend
  10. MOTHER

She Intentionally sing poor, innocent way. She is real. not poor talent.

fish - 川本真琴 with 伊勢啓太 Makoto Kawamoto with Keita Ise 2022.10.01 @地べた音楽祭

I wanna request her to cover this song↓ She is so Punkish. So maybe best fit to her, I think


my Lover...

or this one.

↑ This is Punk, I think.

Punk is Destructive.

Punk is Simple.

Harvey Phillip Spector is really GENIUS.




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